Letter From Membership Vice President
Dear Potential New Members,
As formal recruitment approaches, the ladies of Alpha Xi Delta anxiously await your arrival. We are so excited to have the opportunity to get to know you this upcoming fall. Formal sorority recruitment is an exhilarating time to meet more women at the University of Illinois, and find a place where you feel most at home.
Joining Greek life, specifically Alpha Xi Delta, has been one of the most impactful decisions during our time at the university, and we have no doubt that the memories and experiences we have had with Alpha Xi Delta are ones that we will cherish for a lifetime. Joining a sorority is so much more than clothing with letters and cute pictures with your sisters. It is a group of women where you will find your closest friends, your greatest support systems, and the people who will make your next four years the best four years.
Sorority recruitment can be overwhelming at times, but there is no greater reward than finding your home, and a group of women who you truly consider your sisters. I hope all of you find a place that makes you feel the way Alpha Xi Delta felt for us.
Please take a moment to explore our website and take a greater look at Alpha Xi Delta. Also be sure to look at our other social media platforms are Instagram: axid.illinois, Facebook: axidillinois, and Vsco: axidillinois. Visit illinoisphc.com to learn more about formal recruitment at The University of Illinois and always feel free to email me at axid.kappa.membership@gmail.com with any questions.
I look forward to meeting all of you this fall and wish you the best of luck in finding your new home!
Delaney Morse ('25)